Deskgram alexey poblete
Deskgram alexey poblete

deskgram alexey poblete

The Prospect of the Proposed Currency Union on Intra-regional Trade: Southern African Customs Union. On the Computation and Essence of the Nominal Convergence Criteria for Africa Currency Union: ECOWAS in Perspective. Institutions, Infrastructure and East African Community Membership of Burundi and Rwanda on Trade. The Effect of the Ebola Virus Disease on intra-regional trade in West Africa. Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Global Economy.Ĭurrency Union as a Panacea for ills in Africa: A New Institutional Framework and Theoretical Consideration.

deskgram alexey poblete deskgram alexey poblete

La sensibilité de l'économie congolaise face aux chocs monétaire et budgétaire : une approche en modèle var standard. The international directly invested capital divided into cooperation capital and long-way flows.ĪNDRIAKOPOULOS, KONSTANTINOS and LADAS, AUGOUSTINOS and ANDRIAKOPOULOS, PANAGIOTISīank efficiency and leasing in U.S.A. Published in: Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics and New Economyįoreign direct investments. A critical analysis of basics of the Keynesian Macro-Model. Risco moral e seleção adversa na intermediação financeira no mercado de crédito.įorthcoming in: Journal of Kind Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics The impact of Foreign Aid on Economic Growth in Sub-Sahara Africa: The mediating role of Institutions.Ĭhallenges of the International Financial System in granting bank credit.

Deskgram alexey poblete