The most difficult part of the job aside from the politics will be the high volume of calls and stress due to the pressure that management will put on you to hit monthly goals. My best advise is do not think for yourself and do not have a real opinion, always keep your head down and if they ask you to jump always reply with "how high?" just to avoid any office politics that will result in your termination (at will employees). Overall, if you keep it professional, do your best to stay out of the drama, and work all your shifts with your best attitude, you will succeed and collect some money. You get sick and vacation time but they will frown on your sick call ins and deny your vacation requests if they are short staffed. You will work rotated shifts every single day, no holiday pay, no real breaks or lunches (just on ADP for legal purposes).
If you love your free time, love Holidays, and enjoy working a set schedule, then this is not the job for you. If you're looking to make a good cash grab and make some money (50k-65k) annually as a Bail Consultant, you will make your money for sure. A typical office has about 6-7 employees including, - more. If the office is short staffed, days off/shift switches will not be approved. Weekends are a MUST + holidays if they land on your scheduled days.
I have worked a full day + OT without taking a break. You may be so busy that you clock out for lunch on ADP but work through it and clock back in (legal purposes). You learn a lot about the industry and I really enjoyed helping clients. Everyday at the office is different, so some days might be extremely laid back while others you don’t stop moving for the majority of your shift. The job itself is not difficult, management makes it that way. My co-workers were fun and supportive, but it was definitely known that management expected their employees to feed them information on fellow employees they did not like, and you knew who to watch what you say & do around. The pay is doable, but I was lied to about opportunities for OT, if they could not hire me at my desired hourly wage. I reached out to Human Resources with my concerns twice and never received a response from them.

If your friend or loved one is in jail, please contact us at (916) 571-1509 or complete the form below for immediate assistance, and a no. We specialize in getting people out of jail FAST and have flexible payment options.

Employees and management are connected on a personal level and their outside personal matters can interfere with the work place, making it a negative work environment (family/friend/relationship drama, affairs in the workplace, co-workers gathering info for management, being targeted, etc. Espinoza Bail Bonds provides bail bond services to inmates detained in all jails located in the greater Sacramento area. You are expected to not have an opinion or stand up for yourself. While your job with Aladdin itself can be interesting and enjoyable, the management really ruins the whole experience.